Monday, June 1

Favorite Moments at Nationals

This has been a long, overdue post, but better now than never! Normally, I would try to make a loooong, tedious story out of my first ever Nationals experience, but it’s summer! You should be outside, not looking at a computer! Enjoy the sunshine, not the laminated screen of technology! So, for expediency, I present to you my top moments from Nats! Enjoy!

#1) Kevin: Becca, did you ever get the bar tape?
Me: No. Unfortunately, the pricing never worked out and I just didn’t have time—
Kevin: [Pulls out two rolls of blue and yellow bar tape]
Me: YOU HAVE THE TAPE!  I AM GOING TO HAVE BAR TAPE! I am getting way too excited about this, but YOU HAVE THE TAPE!

#2) Mackinzie and I are in a group. We are rotating through a paceline.. I take a pull, and when I start to slide back to let Mackinzie take a pull, I notice a huge gap between her and the other people behind her. Going into TTT mode, I just slip right on in behind her. As she pulls off, she sees me go to take another pull:
I obediently slide back with her, turning red with embarrassment.

#3) Dessie catching up to me after getting a mechanical and then promptly kicking my ass on the hill.  I could not have been happier that my teammate was squarely kicking my butt.

#4) The group I am with notice that the leaders are 1:30 ahead of us. “Hey,” we all think, “That means they’re going to pull us, right.?” For three seconds, we were so happy. But, they did not pull us on that lap… or the next…. Or the next... We all realize that this is going to be a looong crit.

#5) I am off by myself as I have broken away from my group. Every time I cross the line, I look at the nearest race official with a clipboard. I give them a look screaming, “Are you going to pull me? Please pull me. I am in pain. Look at me. Take pity on me.“
Every time I cross the line, that same official just gives me this pitiful look of, “I pity you, you poor foolish creature… but no. Keep racing.”

#7) Dessie, Mackinzie Sara and I are reaching the bottom of the last set of kickers (aka small hills of death). Dessie looks behind her:
            Dessie: Who’s with me? (Translation: ready to go faster?)
            Me:  GEAGH! (Translation: I am!)
            Mack :AUGH! (Translation: Hell Yes! I am prepared to die honorably!)

#8) Kevin’s photobomb after the TTT race (see Facebook)!

9) Trying on different pants (How did Alex’s thighs of steel fit into Dessie’s pants?!?)

#10) As we are driving to the airport:
            “The other car said they want to go to Waffle House?”
            Alex, Dessie, Zander: “WAFFLE HOUSE!!!!! YES!! WAFFLE HOUSE!!!”  
            I am sitting off in the corner of the car, wondering what the heck is this mysterious, glorious thing called “waffle house.”

Thank you to every single person on the cycling team. You are my family outside of my family. And thank you to everyone who helped with chaperoning, donations (in both money and time), and keeping us “roudy kids” in line (I’m talking about you, Debi).  Thank you so much, and I cannot wait until next fall where I can ride with my team again. Until then, keep the rubber side down!


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